Better villagers mod 1.8 9minecraft
Better villagers mod 1.8 9minecraft

better villagers mod 1.8 9minecraft
  1. #Better villagers mod 1.8 9minecraft full
  2. #Better villagers mod 1.8 9minecraft mods

This is a mod aimed at improving performance of all crafting-related functions. Server (Must be installed in client aswell) Similar to FastWorkbench, it caches the last recipe used, and checks this recipe first before re-scanning the entire registry. TexFix optimizes the loading of textures of other modsīetter Biome Blend is a mod which accelerates the biome color blending algorithm. This mod is a client-side performance enhancing mod, which stops particles that are outside the player's view from renderingĮntity Culling is a small client-side performance core mod which improves the rendering of entities and tile entities. Surge is an open source mod which aims to improve the load time and performance of the game.Ĭlumps groups XP orbs together into a single entity to reduce lag when there are many in a small area Phosphor is a Minecraft mod which works to optimize one of game's most inefficient areas, the lighting engine VanillaFix is a mod that improves performance and fixes bugs and annoyances in vanilla Minecraft Patcher is a 1.8.9 Forge mod created to improve your all-around Minecraft experience, bringing tons of Quality of Life additions, performance improvements, and tons of Vanilla bug fixes.įoamFix is a mod designed to optimize post-1.7.10 modded Minecraft using simple, targeted optimizations Prevents squids spawning in regions where they would instantly despawn Forge 1.7.10 NameīetterFps is a Minecraft mod that add a few performance improvements, trying to be compatible with other mods.įastCraft is a sophisticated mod which improves the client and server performance significantly without any game play changes.įoamFix is a mod designed to optimize post-1.7.10 modded Minecraft using simple, targeted optimizations.

#Better villagers mod 1.8 9minecraft mods

Mods marked as " Dangerous" might be unstable, and cause some unexpected behaviour. Ping alkya#1273 in Modded Minecraft or use the gist comments. This can be disabled for player to player transmission by setting the configuration option: B:AllowPlayerToPlayerWolfInfection=false.I do not maintain this list anymore: Go to an updated version Performance ModsĪ list of performance-enhancing mods for most major-played versions. Wolfman Form gains the ability to rend armorĬausing almost fatal damage while in Wolfman or Wolf Forms can now spread the curse to players or villagers. Wolf Form gains the ability to sneak use (shift right-click) while looking straight up to howl to summon temporary wolf allies Wolfman Form gains the ability to sneak use (shift right-click) while looking straight up to howl and stun nearby creatures Hitting while sprinting in Wolf of Wolfman form will now cause additional damage (crit from the air more so) Player can now additionally transform to Wolfman Form using a Moon Charm (while sneaking) Kills from Wolf or Wolfman form will now be eaten, replenishing hunger loss Wolf Form gains the ability to instantly dig earth and sand (and occasionally find bones)

better villagers mod 1.8 9minecraft

Killing sheep in Wolf or Wolfman Form can result in Raw Lambchops being dropped. Player can carry a Moon Charm to prevent forced transformation, and use it to force transformation at will.

better villagers mod 1.8 9minecraft

#Better villagers mod 1.8 9minecraft full

Player turns into Wolf Form on the night of a full moon, and returns to human form at other times

Better villagers mod 1.8 9minecraft